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8:30h – 9h30




9h30 – 9h45

Welcome & Opening Remarks


H.E Ms. Mounia Boucetta, Secretary of State to the Minister Of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Morocco

H.E. Mr Sam Brownback: Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom, USA

9h45 – 10:00


Family Photo

10h00 – 10:15



The Introduction will set the stage for the follow-on conference to the 2018 Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom. The meeting will be devoted to highlighting the needs and methods to preserve and protect at risk cultural heritage of religious communities. The focus will be on Sahel countries, and the meeting will involve experts and practitioners from the region, as well as international organizations and foreign NGOs.



Dr. Ahmed Abaddi, Secretary General of the Mohammedian League of Ulemas


10 :15 - 10:45








Panel Discussion 01:

Safeguarding diversity of cultural and religious heritage: The Moroccan Experience

This session will allow the Moroccan government to highlight their work to preserve cultural and religious heritage. A Moroccan case study will be presented.

Moderator: Dr. Ahmed Abbadi, Secretary General of the Mohammedian League of Ulemas.

Panelist: H.E Mr. Minister of Culture and Communication represented by Mr. Abdelilah Afifi, Secretary General.

Panelist: H.E Mr Ahmed Taoufiq, Ministry of Endowments and Islamic Affairs represented by Mr. Ahmed Kostas, Director of Islamic Affair, Morocco.

Panelist : H.E Mr Laftit : Minister of Interior or his representative TBC.

Panelist: H.E Mr. Assoumana Malam Issa, Minister of the Cultural Renaissance, Arts and Social Modernization, Niger

Panelist: H.E Mr Serge Berdugo, Ambassador at Large and Secretary General of the Jewish Communities of Morocco.

10 :45 - 11:00

Coffee Break


11 :00 - 12:30


Panelist: Father Daniel Nourissat, Priest St Peter’s Cathedral, Rabat, Morocco.

Panelist: Mr Jamaa Baida, Director of Morocco Archives.





14:00 – 15 :30

Panel Discussion 2:

The role of International Community,  International and Regional Organizations in supporting State efforts to preserve the diversity of cultural and religious heritage.


NB: 8 min per each

The purpose of this session is to highlight examples of preserving religious and cultural heritage by governments and international organizations.

Moderator: Mr. Andrew Cadieux, Department of State, International Religious Freedom

Panelist: Mr. Yusuf Abdulrahmane Nzibo, National Chairman, Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims

Panelist: Mr. Moussa Oumarou, Council of Imams and Dignitaries,(CIDIMUC), Cameroon

Panelist : Mr. Harriet Hoffler, cultural diplomacy, Senior International Policy Advisor, Cultural Protection at the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, UK

Panelist: Mr. Mamadou Cisse, Ministry of Culture, Mali

Panelist: Ms. Catherine Foster, Cultural Heritage Center, Department of State, USA


15:30 – 15:45                   

Coffee Break


15:45 – 17:30

Panel Discussion 3:

The Importance of Promoting Respect, Protection and Preservation of Cultural and Religious Heritage


NB: 8 min per each

The session provides an opportunity to hear from impacted communities about what cultural heritage means for their individual communities (places of worship, cemeteries, manuscripts and other portable objects, traditions) and how that heritage it is at risk today.


Moderator: Dr Abbadi, Secretary General of the Mohammedian League of Ulemas.

Panelist:  HE. Mr. Ambassador Filippe Savagado, « Psdt Dialogue sans Frontières »
Former Minister of Culture, Burkina Faso.

Panelist: Mr. Ahmad Nassourou Cisse, General Coordinator of the Muslim Community for the Sahel,

 Burkina Faso.

Panelist : Pr. Jean-Paul Messina, Academic General Secretary, UCAC (Catholic University of Central Africa),Cameroon.

Panelist: Pr. Abdessamad Ghazi, Mohammedian League of Ulemas, Morocco.

Panelist : Sheikh Muhammad Amir Kpakpo Addo, General Secretary of the FMC (Federations of Muslims Councils), Ghana.

Panelist: Mr. Yossef Ben-Meir, President High Atlas Foundation, Morocco

Panelist: Mr. Jason Guberman, American Sephardi Federation, USA





Opening / Day’s Agenda setting


Dr. Ahmed Abbadi, Secretary General of the Mohammedian League of Ulemas


Panel Discussion 4:

Equipping Religious Actors, Community Leaders, and other Civil Society Members to raise Public Awareness for Cultural Heritage Preservation.


NB: 5 min per each

The session will take a deep dive into several distinct experiences to identify best practices for engaging local communities in preserving their cultural heritage. It will highlight why it is imperative to protect existing cultural heritage and why governments and communities alike have a responsibility to promote and respect cultural heritage across all faith communities.


Moderator: Ms. Mina Mghari : Specialist in history of architecture and heritage, Morocco

Panelist: Ms. Lamia Radi – « Mémoires pour lAvenir » Foundation, Morocco

Panelist: Ms. Zhor Rhehilil, Curator, Museum of Moroccan Judaism, Casablanca  

Panelist: Mr. Avner Soudry, Curator, Sephardic Art Exhibition, “ Masséna Museum”, France

Panelist: Mr. Sammy Ibrahim, Drop of Milk, Egypt

Panelist: Ms. Mariz Tadros, Coalition for Religious Equality and Inclusive Development, UK




Coffee Break


11:00 - 12:30

Panel Discussion 5:

International Efforts to Safeguard Cultural Heritage at Risk Through Funding, Technical Assistance and Training.

NB: 8 min per each

The session will highlight specific programs, projects and initiatives that can be accessed to support religious communities whose heritage is at risk, including places of worship or religious texts.

Moderator: Ms. Catherine Foster, Cultural Heritage Center, Department of State, USA

Panelist: Mr. Abdoul baaq Mohammed ElKhidiru, Director, The Nigerian Center for Arabic Research, Nigeria

Panelist: Ms. Samah Nordquist, USAID (USAID programs to preserve cultural heritage of religious communities in Iraq)

Panelist: Mr. Michael Toler, Interim Program Head, Aga Khan Documentation Center, MIT Libraries, USA

Panelist: Ms. Louise Bertini, American Research Center, Egypt

Panelist: Ms. Mahdia Siari, ALIPH Project Manager, Switzerland

Panelist: Mr. Peter Herdrich, Antiquities Coalition, USA



12:30 - 13:00

Closing Remarks, 



Dr. Ahmed Abaddi, Secretary General of the Mohammedian League of Ulemas

13:10 – 14:30




Free Afternoon



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