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Additional reading

Additional Reading

N.B. Please note that the  information shared on the website relates essentially – but not only – to countries that were represented at the First Regional Conference on Cultural Heritage Protection for Religious Communities – Rabat 3rd/4th October 2019). A number of very useful links have been compiled into a non-exhaustive list. We will maintain the website with various topics of interest in the dialog boxes, for your perusal.



  • The Legal Protection of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, Burkina Faso: 

A description about the constitutional provisions in Burkina Faso, the chapter illustrates, first of all, the legal and institutional framework for the protection and support of the intangible cultural heritage in the country, also analysing possible pathways and perspectives to improve its preservation, and the safeguarding actions undertaken for its identification and promotion, and through the international cooperation initiatives.

 The Legal Protection of the Intangible Cultural Heritage

  • Les Tikar du Cameroun Central:

Ethnogenèse, culture et relations avec les peuples voisins Sous la direction de Martin Elouga ,  Collection: Etudes africaines 

Les tikar du cameroun central

  • Messina J.P. and Slageren J.V. (2005) Histoire du christianisme au Cameroun, Karthala, collection Mémoire d’Eglises :

This book fills a void on the history of Christianity in Cameroon, and enriches the knowledge of the general history of this country. His ecumenical approach remains original and constitutes an example to be followed for other countries of the continent.





  • Le procès Al Mahdi : « Un pas de géant » pour la Cour pénale internationale ? Mali :

Revue québécoise de droit international  Année 2017  1-1  pp. 101-124

On September 28, 2016, the Trial Chamber of the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued its verdict in the case of The Prosecutor v Ahmad Al Faqi AlMahdi concerning the destruction of the mausoleums of Timbuktu. This trial, perceived as an historic moment, was eagerly awaited by actors of international criminal justice, because it was the first time that the Court has known, since its creation, a case concerning violations of the rules that protect cultural heritage . However, the Court’s decision, having regard to the means by which it was intervened, namely the guilty plea, seems to limit the contribution of the first judgment on cultural property according to some observers. This article reviews different points of view and provides a critical analysis of the issues at trial regarding the future of the ICC, namely the meaning of the guilty plea, its impact on the trial and the expectations of the victims, the future of the repression of violations of the rules for the protection of cultural property as well as the strategy of the prosecutor’s office in the management of this case.

Le procès Al Mahdi 

  • «Trésors de l’Islam en Afrique: De Tombouctou à Zanzibar», Mali :

Over fifteen centuries of cultural and spiritual exchanges between sub-Saharan Africa and the Arab-Muslim world have given birth to abundant production. The exhibition of the Institute of the Arab World brings together archeology, contemporary art, architecture and intangible heritage in order to reflect the richness and multiplicity of contacts between these cultures.

Trésors de l’islam en Afrique


Title: Trésors de l’Islam en Afrique: de Tombouctou à Zanzibar

Authors : Nala Aloudat, Hanna Boghanim

Collaborators: Nala Aloudat, Hanna Boghanim

Editors : Institut du monde arabe, 2017

  • Threats of armed conflicts on cultural heritage: case of the djihadist occupation of the city of Timbuktu in Mali:  – University of Bamako, Mali:

Menaces des conflits armes sur le patrimoine culturel : cas de l’occupation djihadiste de la ville de tombouctou au mali

  •  Bamako, Mali: naissance d’un musée:

Personne auteur :Konaré, Alpha Oumar 

Dans :Museum, XXXIII, 1, p. 4-8, illus., map

Langue :Français

Aussi disponible en :English, Español

Année de publication :1981

Type de document :article

  • The Charter for African Cultural Renaissance, UNESCO – Sudan 2006:

The Charter for African Cultural Renaissance pdf


  • Œuvre d’Orient:

 Histoire : parce que connaître hier permet de mieux comprendre aujourd’hui Œuvre d’Orient

  • National Museum of Jordan-(mission):

Collectivité auteur :Conseil international des musées 

Personne auteur :Abdulac, Samir, Baghli, Sid Ahmed, Mershen, Birgit 

Code du document :FMR/CLT/CH/92/124, RP/1992-1993/III.3/Technical report

Collation :(56 p.), illus., plans

Langue :Anglais

Année de publication :1992

Type de document :document de programme et de réunion

UNESDOC:National Museum of Jordan

  • National Museum of Beyrouth, Lebanon: 

“Lecture et évasion’’: Art book containing a detailed description of the places and their stories:

National Museum of Beyrouth link

  • Ethnic and religious minorities in North Africa – The “Jewish Question” in Postcolonial Moroccan Cinema – Aomar Boum University of California, Los Angeles Morocco / USA: 

The “Jewish Question” in Postcolonial Moroccan Cinema.

  • UNESCO  –  ISESCO Le patrimoine culturel immatériel au Maroc Promotion et valorisation des Trésors Humains Vivants (2005), by Ahmed Skounti, Morocco:

UNESCO ISESCO Le patrimoine culturel immatériel au Maroc Promotion et valorisation des Trésors Humains Vivants

  • Dionigi Albera et Manoël Pénicaud, « La synagogue de la Ghriba à Djerba. Réflexions sur l’inclusivité d’un sanctuaire partagé en Tunisie », Les Cahiers d’Outre-Mer, Tunisia:

La synagogue de la Ghriba à Djerba. Réflexions sur l’inclusivité d’un sanctuaire partagé en Tunisie

  North America


  • Treaty on the Protection of Artistic and Scientific Institutions and Historic Monuments (Roerich Pact), 167 L.N.T.S. 289, entered into force Aug. 26, 1935:

  • Copts Bear the Brunt of Islamic Extremism:

  • The Iconostasis in the Republican Mosque: transformed religious sites as artifacts of intersecting religioscapes, Robert M Hayden, Tugba Tanyeri Erdemir,   Int. J. Middle East Stud.46 (2014), 489–51:




  • Building National Museums in Europe 1750-2010. Conference proceedings from EuNaMus; European National Museums: Identity Politics; the Uses of the Past and the European Citizen; Bologna 28-30 April 2011. EuNaMus Report No. 1

Building National Museums in Europe 1750-2010

  • Finn Church Aid, Finland: Kenya sings and dances – and discusses peace

Françoise Benhamou, Économie du patrimoine culturel:

Paris, La Découverte, coll. “Repères / Culture et communication, 2012, 126 p.”. This book underlines an evolution, insisting both on the economic importance that cultural heritage has taken and on the fact that it is today, therefore, at the center of reflections on growth.


Françoise Benhamou, Économie du patrimoine culturel

  • Hungarian Museums, Vol XV, n° 4, 1962, Hungary:

Hungarian museums

  • Irish Abroad Unit: The Global Irish Diaspora Directory, Second Edition, Ireland:

The Global Irish Diaspora Directory

  • Prince Claus Fund for Culture and Development, Netherlands:

Handbook on First Aid to Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis: The First Aid to Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis Handbook and Toolkit is the outcome of nearly a decade of field experience gained by ICCROM, and a close partnership between  the Prince Claus, ICCROM, Fund and the Smithsonian Institution. 

Handbook: First Aid to Heritage in Times of Crisis

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